Sushrut Hospital

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Pulmonology Department

We have a well equipped endoscopy (bronchoscopy) suit, assisted by well trained staff and nurses for bronchoscopic intervention for diagnostic and therapeutic purpose like lung biopsy, washings, lavage, needle aspiration etc.

Good laboratory practice is essential and we are supported with well trained department of pathology and microbiology. To screen, diagnose and monitor respiratory impairment we have facility for doing Pulmonary Function Test to measure lung functions. Pleural procedures like pleural biopsy, icd / pigtail insertion, pleurodesis are also offered. Rapid Scanning techniques available including ultrasonography, multislice CT Scan, V/Q Scan. Our automated air exchange, with well equipped ICU department, supports us very well with Invasive / Non Invasive mechanical ventilator for our patients with Respiratory Failure Management. Pulmonary Rehabilitation, as you know, now plays very important treatment strategy in chronic respiratory ill patients, and this is well supported in our institute by physiotherapist colleagues. And to add to our patient’s comfort, we now also have facility of sleep study (in house) to diagnose patients having sleep disorders like OSA and Snoring.



• Advanced Pulmonary Function Test Lab • Video Bronchoscopy • Polysomnography (Sleep Study


• Speciality Consultation • Sleep Disorder evaluation • Pulmonary Rehabilitation • Interstitial lung Disease evaluation • Bronchoscopy Services • Lung Function tests • Six Minute Walk Test • Speciality Clinics - Interstitial Lung disease clinic - Smoking cessation clinic

Dr. Kavita Mody

M.D., FCCP, PGDHHM. | Pulmonology

Dr. Abhijit Ahuja

MD (Chest & TB), EDRM, FIPTO | Pulmonology

Dr. Uday Nayak

M.D (TUBERCULOSIS) | Pulmonology
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