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Get the help you need now, and say bye-bye to breathing trouble.
walk test
Pulmonary Rehab program – Yoga, Breathing exercises & Lung cleansing diet
Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the airways, in which your airways narrow and swell and produce extra mucus.
This can make breathing difficult and trigger coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath.
Allergy related diseases can be classified based on the target organ involvement. Some common types are mentioned below.
Nose Allergic Rhinitis
Gut Food
Allergy related diseases can be classified based on the target organ involvement. Some common types are mentioned below.
Sushrut Hospital offers solution for relief from Asthma with a multidisciplinary approach.
An allergy is when your body's immune system reacts strongly to something it's exposed to, like pollen, pet dander, or certain foods. This reaction can cause symptoms like sneezing, itching, or rashes.
Allergies develop when your immune system produces special proteins called antibodies in response to exposure to allergens. These antibodies can lead to allergic reactions when you come into contact with the allergen again.
Typical signs of allergic reactions to inhaled or skin allergens include
Itchy and watery eyes
Runny nose
Family history of allergies
Animal contact
Passive smoking
Small family size
Western lifestyle
Serum IgE>100 IU/ml before the age of 6 years
Dust mite exposure
Early use of antibiotics
Thorough history should be taken by an experienced physician. Also, questionnaires are recommended for completeness.
Physical examination is also done to confirm the diagnosis.
The Allergy skin test is a confirmatory, highly sensitive, reproducible, rapid, and cost effective method to screen existing IgE sensitivities that may be responsible for clinical symptoms.
Allergy test can be broadly classified into allergy blood test and skin prick test. Skin prick test is recommended by world allergy organization and other international academies. Skin prick test is more sensitive than blood test. It is done at doctor’s office. Prick testing is safe, quick, less expensive and better clinically co-related than blood test. Allergy blood test can be performed by ELISA Method, RAST Method and Immunocap method. The best among all three is Immunocap method. Your Doctor may combine Skin prick test and Allergy Blood test if required.
The most common causes of allergy and asthma symptoms are allergens derived from pollens, molds, house dust mites, animal danders and insects. Many people also experience symptoms of allergy due to altered reactions to foods and medications.
Most people grow into allergy, not out of it. One can, however lose sensitivity to certain foods if one totally avoids the offending food allergen. This occurs in most children who have the unfortunate experience of having hives due to cow’s milk. Later in life that same person who had hives early in infancy can tolerate milk and other cow proteins. Unfortunately, one cannot totally avoid exposure to certain pollens, molds and dust and thus, year after year having been repeatedly exposed to these airborne proteins allergic individuals continue to have allergic diseases due to their continuous or repeated exposure to these aeroallergens.
Adults and children of any age can be tested for allergies. It is advised in allergy related conditions such as Asthma, Allergic rhinitis, Eczema, hives or urticaria and food allergies.
We handle various allergy and asthma conditions at Sushrut Hospital, including allergic rhinitis, asthma, allergic dermatitis, conjunctivitis, and more. Our experienced team is equipped to effectively manage a wide range of allergy and asthma-related issues.
Sushrut Hospital offers 6 minute walk test, Lung assessment & Allergy test along with expert consultation. Sushrut treats you holistically, by additionally offering Pulmonary Rehab, Yoga, Breathing exercises & Diet advice. We provide medications and immunotherapy if needed.
Day | Timing |
Monday to Saturday | 11:00 to 12:00 |